Pozycja stratygraficzna odpowiedników warstw buhłowskich w zapadlisku przedkarpackim


  • Tadeusz Marian Kuciński


STRATIGRAPHIC POSITION OF THE EQUIVALENTS OF BUHLOV BEDS IN THE CARPATHIAN FOREDEEPSummaryIn the area of the Carpathian foredeep of Poland, three large complexes of beds are found to occur in the transition deposits of Tortonian - Lower Sarmatian age. As concerns their succession, they may correspond (in terms of stratotype) to the Buhlov Beds from Ogryszkowce, Volhynia. The lower complex with the zone Bulimina elongata, and with the overlying zone Ammonia beccarii is called by the present authors the Dębica Beds and is referred to the uppermost deposits of Upper Tortonian.The middle sandy-clayey complex with the zone Anomalinoides dividens, has its equivalent in the arenaceous Middle Buhlov Beds, which, although do not contain the above foraminifers related to clay facies, reveal mixed Tortonian-Sarmatian macrofauna, common to both regions. In the Fore-Carpathian area, the upper complex in turn is of brackish character, and discloses typical foraminifers Ammonia beccarii. It has been referred to the Super-Anomalinoides horizon. The last two complexes are called by the author the Jarosław Beds (Table 1). He draws a conclusion that these beds, pierced f.ex. in bore hole Gorliczyna 2, near Przeworsk, may be thought to represent a faciostratotype of the Buhlov sub-stage sensu stricto. Of similar opinion, as concerns the age of the Buhlov Beds and of their equivalents within the zone with Cibicides badenensis (= Anomalinoides dividens) are R. Jířiček (1966), I. W. Wenglinski and W. N. Zajceva (1967), Bica Ionesi (1968). The present author's opinion is in contrast also with the opinion of G. N. Grishkyevitsh (1965), who suggests that the beds with Venus konkensis media are of Tortonian age, mainly due to the presence of mixed Tortonian-Sarmatian macrofauna in them. The author also does not accept the opinion of I. Cicha and. J. Senes (1968), who say that the Buhlov sub-stage belongs to the stage Badenian M4d and not to the Sarmatian M5a. 



