Minerały ciężkie w aluwiach górnej Kwisy


  • Magdalena Jęczmyk
  • Jerzy Kanasiewicz


HEAVY MINERALS IN ALLUVIA OF THE UPPER COURSE OF RIVER WISŁASummaryThe paper presents the results of mineralogical studies on the alluvial deposits from the Upper course of the Kwisa river, and on the Oligocene and Pliocene formations from the Kwisa river basin.The alluvia under consideration distinctly differ from the sand-gravel deposits of Tertiary age in having other amounts of heavy fraction, other grain size and other mineral composition. In the alluvia of the Kwisa river almenite prevails among heavy minerals (34,4–51,6 by Vol.), accompanied by garnets, magnetite, zircon, tourmaline, rutile, anatase, disthene and others.As concerns the percentage in heavy fraction, the most important in the Tertiary sand-gravel deposits are here tourmaline, ziron, ilmenite and garnets.



