W sprawie transgresji eocenu w pienińskim pasie skałkowym Polski


  • Wacław Sikora


ON THE EOCENE TRANSGRESSION IN THE PIENINY KLIPPEN BELT OF POLANDSummaryIn 1962 (W. Sikora, 1962) the author formulated an option that the Palaeogene formations, which occur within the Klippen Belt of Poland are a strange element in this belt, and belong to the Magura nappe, overthrust from the north. This opinion was criticized by K. Birkenmajer (1965), who categorically upheld the thesis that the Palaeogene formations rest transgressively on the Mesozoic formations of the Klippen Belt series. To explain decisively this problem, the Geological Institute has conducted some field works along the zone Cisówka -Złatne (Fig. 1). This area thought to be classical one, as concerns the development of transgressive Złatne Beds. A series of test pits has been made, about 1600 m north of the castle at Niedzica (Figs. 2 and 3), approximately along the cross section line published by K. Birkenmajer in 1959. The second series of pits runs across the Palaeogene zone, north of Siubieniczna Góra, at Łapsze Niżne (Fig. 4).The profiles from the test pits made at Niedzica and Łapsze Niżne have demonstrated that the Złatne sandstones do not rest transgressively on the folded Klippen Belt series, but are only sedimentary intercalations in the clay-marly formations. The following are conclusions which may be draw on the basis of the materials analysed in this article.1. At present, no data exist, which may allow us to accept any transgression of the Paleogene formations on the Klippen Belt series. 2. There are no evidences to consider the Zlatne Beds to be the southern facies of the Kluszkowce Beds, which belong to the Magma series. In consequence of this we cannot judge that at the Palaeogene time, the Klippen Belt basin was within the sedimentary area of the Magura basin.3. There are numerous evidences to assume that the Zlatne series has been laid down south of the Kllippen Belt series (thus the author revises his opinion from 1962, according to which the Zlatne sandstones were related to the Magura nappe), and that a sedimentary continuity exists in this series between the Cretaceous and Palaeogene formation, developed as flysch deposits. In consequence of this we cannot also assume that the Kllippen Belt series were folded during the Laramie activity responsible for the production of nappes. 4. Palaeogene deposits that occur within the Klippen Belt belong, on the one hand, probably to the Magura series overthrust towards the south on the Klippen Belt series (e.g. in the vicinity of Jaworek), and on the other hand, to the Zlatne series (unit) owethrust on the Klippen Belt series probably from the south. 



