Spostrzeżenia nad problematykami Belorhaphe i Sinusites z dolnokredowego i paleogeńskiego fliszu Karpat Polskich


  • Wiesław Nowak


PROBLEMATICAL ORGANIC TRACES OF BELORHAPHE AND SINUSITES IN THE CARPATIAN LOWER CRETACEOUS AND PALAEOGENE FLYSCH DEPOSITSSummaryThe present paper deals with the problematical organic traces of Belorhaphe F u h s, 1895 and Sinusites R e n i e1, 1938 (probably fossil tracks of worms approximate to the contemporaneous Annelidae), found to occur in the Neocomian and Paleogene flysch deposits within the area of the Polish Carpathians (Bielskie Carparthians).To the genus Belorhaphe the author reverses forms that resemble a sharply bent zigzag one, and distinguishes among them two species: B. zickzack (H e e r) and B. fabregae (A z p e i t i a). The first one is characterized by the presence of sharp bends in the cylinder, thickened at places, and of some projections arranged at a cute angles the bisectors of which are perpendicular to the main axis of the track. The second one shows obtuse distinctly thickened bends, where the bisectors are arranged obliquely to the main axis.To the “genus” Sinusites the author refers forms of sinusoidal shape, characterized by gentle areas, described in the older literature as Sinusia K r e s t e w, 1928 and Belorhaphe kochi (L u d w I g) 1869.In the Neocomian flysch (Grodziszcze Beds, Hautervian-Lower-Barremian) the form B. zickzack has been encountered. This was presented by small specimens (h£ 5mm), medium specimens (h£8mm), and large specimen (h£11 mm) (See Tab. I, of the Polish text). On the basis of their form, their position at the bottom of the banks, and their relation to mechanoglyphs the author refers them to post-depositional bioglyphs.In the palaeogene flysch deposits (Upper Chochołów Beds, Oligocene) found to occur in the Jurgów vicinity, Spisz region, the author distinguishes two forms: B. fabregae (in its typical form) and those belonging to Sinusites, without any reference to species. This form is characterized by a high degree of swinging (L/h = 1.25–2.0). The form B. fabregae represents the post-depositional bioglyph, and the form Sinurites ­– the pre-depositional one. 



