Współczesne deformacje skałek z terenu zamku czorsztyńskiego nad Dunajcem


  • Jerzy Rytlewski


RECENT DEFORMATIONS IN OUTLIERS WITHIN THE AREA OF THE CZORSZTYN CASTLE ON THE DUNAJEC RIVERSummaryThe article presents some observations on the recent structural deformations in outliers situated within the ruins of a XIV c. castle at Czorsztyn, on the Dunajec river. The outliers are part of the Cretaceous and Jurassic deposits of the Czorsztyn series in the Pieniny Klippen Belt of South Poland.The present author discusses and evidences, by means of stereosketches, the influence of the young movements of limestone substratum rocks upon the walls of the old castle, resulting in production of fissures and cracks in the walls along the continuation of tectonic fissures in the substratum rocks (Tabs. I–III).Field investigations for this study were made by the present author in the form of a geological survey in the scale of 1:200 (Fig. 1) using simple field photogrammetry and geodetic methods, with the aid of a self-reducing tachymeter BRT-006, coupled with a table Carti 250 and a “Teletop” tachymeter with  camera.Interpreting the results of his observations the author draws a conclusions that the area in study is affected by the young deforming tectonic movements, responsible not only for tension, but also for some vertical and horizontal displacements in the substratum rocks. He is also of the opinion that, in addition to the recent deforming movements, certain deposits of the rocks mass from the area in study are within a zone of rheologic creep, particularly where the relief distinctly affects the differentiation of the natural gravitational stress.  



