Złoże gipsowo-anhydrytowe w Gierałtowie koło Lubania Śląskiego


  • Andrzej Kaczmarek


GYPSUM-ANHYDRITE DEPOSIT AT GIERAŁTÓW NEAR LUBAŃ ŚLĄSKISummaryThe present article deals with an anhydrite-gypsum series found to occur in the south-western limb of the North-Sudetic synclinorium. Supposed size of deposit is characterized, and data on quality of gypsum and anhydrite beds are given. The subdivision of Zechstein into sedimentary cycles is applied, the cycles being correlated with those of the adjacent regions. Moreover, the way is given of further prospections and reconnaissance of a gypsum-anhydrite deposit which occurs at Gierałtów, near Lulbań Śląski. It has been ascertained that the anhydrite and gypsum series pierced is approximately 23 m in thickness, the physic-chemical parameters of the mineral raw material corresponding to mineral requirements for gypsum and anhydrite deposit.



