Spękania ciosowe masywu granitowego Strzegom-Sobótka


  • Ryszard Podstolski


JOINTS IN THE STRZEGOM-SOBÓTKA GRANITE MASSIFSummaryThe Strzegom-Sobótka granite massif crops out in the foreland of the Sudetes in the form a wedge elongated in a WNW­–ESE direction. The intrusion is thought to be of Upper Carboniferous–Lower Permian age. Granite magma has intruded between the Sowie Góry gneisses (the bottom part) and the Old Palaozoic schists of the Fore-Sudetic Zone (the top part).The tectonics of this massif is highly complicated. Various tectonic phenomena interfinger here with each other. Classical work, written by Closs on the processes affecting the distribution of forces active during the intrusion and after the solidification of magma, do not allow us to make a detailed analysis of the deformations, at present.As a result of the study on tectonic problems a map of joints has been made for the granite massif considered (Fig. 3). The analysis of the map suggests a dependence of jointing in massif upon the old tectonic lines. The direction of “Q” fissure system is parallel to the Sudetic one. The strikes of covering rocks strongly influenced the directions of joints in granite here. The directions of diagonal fissures “D1” and “D.2” reflect here the strikes of schist series. 



