Występowanie potasu w wodach podziemnych Polski


  • Zenobiusz Płochniewski
  • Wanda Bidzińska


POTASSIUM OCCURRENCE IN GROUNDWATERS OF POLANDSummaryThe paper deals with the extreme potassium contents, most frequently found in the groundwaters of Poland, and the value of coefficient Na+/K+ . This problem is discussed on the basis of about 500 potassium determinations in mineral waters, and about 100 determinations in fresh waters.As far as fresh waters of the Quaternary formations are concerned, potassium content is rarely determined, and the studies so far made point to the changing contents of this component: from traces to above 100 mg/l. The values of coefficient Na+/K+ change, and range from 0,2 to 9,0. In the fresh waters found to occur in the Oligocene formations, potassium appears from several to a dozen or so mg/l, and the coefficient Na+/K+ amounts to 5-20. In mineral waters potassium content ranges from traces to 15500 mg/l. A potassium content more than 350 mg/l has been ascertained to appear in water from the Mesozoic and Palaeozoic formations in various regions of Poland. In general, such waters are known to occur in more than 150 sites. To sum up the problem here considered we may say that potassium content is directly proportional to the general mineralization of waters. Since some possibilities exist of potassium exploitation from groundwaters, the theme undertaken by the present authors calls for further research, among others with regard to the determination of water reserves, where potassium content is as much as 350 mg/l.


