Program kompleksowych badań geologicznych Instytutu Geologicznego do 1985 r.


  • Roman Osika


PROGRAMME OF COMPLEX REOIONAL RESEARCH OF TBE GEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE TILL 1985Summar yThe following are the main geological units distinguished in Poland (Fig. 1): pre-Cambrian East-European platform, Palaeozoic Middle and West-European platform, subdivided into three Palaeozoic massifs (the Świętokrzyskie Mountains, the West Sudetes with the Fore-Sudetic block, the Intra-Sudetic and the North-Sudetic troughts, as well as the Fast Sudetes and Silesian-Cracow depression), Alpids and Miocene Carpathian foredeep.Conditions of mineral concentrations are presented in regional conception, in the light of seven regions. More important mineral raw materials are characterized, and their location and stratigraphical position are given. There are discussed here the deposits of hard and brown coals, gas deposits, zinc-lead ores, native sulphur, rock salt and numerous rocky raw materials. Deficiency of iron ores, phosphorites and crude oil in Poland is emphasized, and lack of bauxites is stressed. The fact of discovery of large mineral deposits after the World War II is taken into consideration, too, especially as concerns sulphur, copper, zinc and lead, hard coal, brown coal, rock and potassium salts, gas, and numerous rocky mineral raw materials.The programme of further investigations planned up to 1985 has in view to explain the deep geological structure of vast, geologically uncovered areas, using geophysical methods and deep drillings, including complex lithofacial, stratigraphical, petrographical, sedimentological, geochemical, palaeogeographical and tectonic examinations. The purpose of the deep structure examinations is to discover oil and gas deposits.In addition to this article presents the special character of the programme with respect to various regions in order to prospect for additional deposits of solid minerals. Moreover, a programme is discussed of geological surveys on various scales. 



