Skład mineralny aluwiów doliny Kwisy w rejonie Leśnej


  • Magdalena Jęczmyk
  • Jerzy Kanasiewicz


MINERAL COMPOSITION OF ALLUIVIAL DEPOSITS IN THE KWISA RIVER VALLEY, LEŚNA REGION SummaryInvestigations of alluvial deposits have been conducted on the rock material obtained from 11 hand drillings located along a line that tranaversally cuts the Kwisa River valley in the vicinity of Leśna. The results obtained concern the geological structure of the valley in the region studied, as well as the composition and heavy mineral contents in alluvial deposits. It has been ascertained that different kinds and varieties of minerals found to occur in heavy concentrate are due to mixing of local and fluvioglacial materials in the alluvial deposits at the Kwisa River. To the commonest belong here heavy minerals, among them ilmenite, garnets, zircon, topaz, tourmaline and staurolite. In lesser amounts are found: cassirterite, disthene, augite, sillimanite, olivine and rutile. Among single grains may be found: fluorite, anatase, scheelite, native gold, pyrite; enstatite and epidote.



