Stratygrafia osadów czwartorzędowych w widłach Wisły i Narwi


  • Marian Perek


STRATIGRAPHY OF QUATERNARY DEPOSITS IN THE VISTULA-NAREW BIFURCATION AREASummaryThe area in study is situated north of Warsaw, covering part of the Vistula and Narew Valleys and the adjacent uplands. Test borings, situated along two cross-section lines, allowed the author to make relatively detailed lithological, genetical and stratigraphical investigations of the Quaternary deposits in this area. The Quaternary deposits are underlain with the pliocene clays of considerable thickness. Genetically and stratigraphically, the Quaternary formations found to occur in the area considered (Figs. 2 and 3) consist of glacial, fluvioglacial and ice-dammed lake deposits of South-Polish Glaciation (two stages); ice-dammed lake and fluviatile deposits of Mazovian Interglacial; fluvioglacial and fluviatile deposits of North-Polish Glaciation; and fluviatile and eolian deposits of the Holocene period. The deposits of the Eemian Interglacial have not been encountered here. At that period, erosional processes prevailed. On the other hand, glacial, fluvioglacial and ice-dammed lake deposits of the Middle-Polish Glaciation (two stages) constituted an upland on the right side of the Narew River, and on the left side of the Vistula River. The beginning of the Mazovian Interglacial was characterized by an intense river erosion (Fig. 4). New site of peat occurrence, in the Mazovian Interglacial deposits at Skierdy is shown in Fig. 5.



