Wypiętrzenie Dębiny w rejonie Bełchatowa a interpretacja anomalii siły ciężkości


  • Kazimierz Maryniak
  • Ewa Niepielska Kowalkowska


DĘBINA ELEVATION IN THE REGION OF BEŁHATÓW IN THE LIGHT OF INTERPRETATION OF GRAVITY ANOMALYSummaryThe authors of the present article maintain that the suggestions concerning the occurrence of a salt plug in the Dębina elevation Bełchatów region), and the interpretation of the source of the positive gravimetric anomaly, supported  by the presence of heavy anhydrites in the cap deposits of the plug – do not find any eviden either in the light of gravimetric, or in the light of geologic materials.An uplift of the Mesozoic formations is responsible here for the positive local gravimetric anomaly This situation is clear and understood mainly due to a fact that between the elevated Mesozoic formations and surrounding Tertiary deposits a sufficiently expressed difference in density exists, amounting to about 0,3 g/cm3.



