Znaczenie B-lineacji w geologii strukturalnej i górnictwie


  • Jerzy Kotowski
  • Tomasz Strzelecki


IMPORTANCE OF B-LINEATION IN STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY AND MININGSummaryThe paper deals with a close trigonometric relation between the foliation dip angle a lineation dip angle j, foliation dip angle b1 and lineation azimuth b2 (Figs. 1–4). For the horizontal surface of the area this relation looks as follow:    tg j = tg a cos (b1–b2) The above formula allows us to calculate each of the values j, a, b1 or b2, provided that three of them are known. Using this formula, the authors have analysed various possibilities of foliation surface orientation horizontal, diagonal and vertical), where B-lineation reveals different spatial orientation. Mutual relations of spatial orientation of foliation plane and B-lineation have been analysed also from the viewpoint of desired depth h in the, formula h = a tg j, where a is the distance of two points (i.e. site, where B-lineation measurement has, been made and point, at which the bore hole is situated).



