O wieku stożka Domańskiego Wierchu na podstawie badań palinologicznych


  • Janina Oszast


ON THE AGE OF THE DOMAŃSKI WIERCH CONE DETERMINED BY PALYNOLOGICAL METHODSSummaryThe paper presents the results of palynological examinations of 306 samples taken from a 288 m thick profile of the Domański Wierch, near Czarny Dunajec. The deposits under examination represent a series of clay, clay-sand and gravel-sand complexes. A comparison of the floristic composition observed in the deposits considered, and that of climate under which the vegetation previously existed, with the palynologically examined profiles of the Neogene deposits from South Poland allow the author to draw a conclusion that the formations of the Domański Wierch cone, so far determined as those of Miocene age, were accumulated later and, most probably, may be referred to the close of the Pliocene time. 



