Miocen Kotliny Sądeckiej w świetle wyników badań geologicznych i palinologicznych


  • Nestor Oszczypko
  • Leon Stuchlik


MIOCENE OF THE NOWY SĄCZ BASIN IN THE LIGHT OF GEOLOGICAL AND PALYNOLOGICAL STUDIESSummaryClay-sand deposits with brown coal intercalations of fresh-water origin and sand-clay deposits of brackish and marine origin are lithofacial members distinguished on the basis of the previous results of the Neogene geological research carried out in the Nowy Sącz Basin.The fresh-water deposits have especially been examined in bore hole Nowy Sącz I, where their thickness amounts to about 540 m. Brackish and marine formations of small thickness are known only from the Niskowa region, west of Nowy Sącz.Both brackish and marine formations are referred by numerous scientists to Lower Tortonian. The older fresh-water formations represent probably still the Upper Helvetian ones. 116 samples of the fresh-water deposits have been analysed by palynological method. In general, 82 taxones have been determined and subdivided into three groups: Coniferae, Miocene genera, and forms found to occur in  the Tertiary and Quaternary. A considerable abundance of the Miocene genera and of the group Taxodiaceae - Cupressaceae excludes the Pliocene age of the deposits examined. The lack of any earlier Tertiary elements suggests the age not older than the Middle Miocene.



