Trzeciorzędowa formacja brunatno węglowa w zachodniej części niecki północnosudeckiej


  • Marian Nosek


TERTIARY BROWN-COAL FORMATION IN THE WESTERN PART OF THE NORTH-SUDETIC TROUGHSummaryTertiary rock complex that fills in the western part of the North-Sudetic trough is developed in a continental facies (locally with marine Influences) and reveals considerable lithological differentiations. The complex consists of limnic formations, among which are distinguished fluidal, lacustrine and paludal deposits. An intense lithological change of beds, both in horizontal and vertical directions, does not allow the guide horizons to be distinguished precisely. Thus we cannot also make any correlation of the individual Tertiary occurrence sites in the area of the through considered. Similarly, scarce palaeontological (macroflora) and palynological determinations do not permit us to make precise and unquestionable determinations of the boundaries of the Oligocene, Miocene and Pliocene stages.On the basis of lithostratigraphical data an attempt has been made to determine the stratigraphy of the Tertiary sedimentary complex that occurs in the Sudetes foreland, and to correlate it with the lithostratigraphical schemes worked out in the German Democratic Republic for the Tertiary formation from the Lower Lusatia area and in Poland or the Tertiary formation of the Lower Silesia and the Fore-Sudetic monocline area. In the Tertiary profile are distinguished: Upper Oligocene,Lower Middle and Upper Miocene, and Pliocene deposits. Both lithological development and characteristic features of the lithostratigraphical series here distinguished, particularly the brown coal seams and the degree of their utility for national economy, are discussed more in detail.



