Zastosowanie pomiarów mikrograwimetrycznych dla potrzeb otworowej eksploatacji siarki


  • Aleksander Stropiński
  • Jerzy Stein
  • Konstanty Czepulis


APPLICATION OF MICROGRAVIMETRIC MEASUREMENTS FOR SULPHUR EXPLOITATION BY MELTING IN BORE HOLESSummaryThe article deals with the principles of applying microgravimetric measurements for sulphur exploitation by melting in bore holes. The purposefulness of this research 15 emphasized particularly as concerns the increase in output and the economical exploitation. Discussed are also methods of field works, which, as a rule, require double measurements – before and after the exploitation. As a result of these measurements two maps of anomalies Dg may have been constructed for one area. A comparison of these two maps allows us·to determine regions characterized by various degrees of sulphur exhaustion. This method eliminates interpretative errors which are the result of the influence of geological factors. Effects of double cycle of measurements are discussed on the results of determining the exhaustion range in one exploitation bore hole.Moreover, there are discussed results of studies made according to a different programme, in which only one system of measurements might be .applied within partly exploited areas, where the first measurement would be impossible. An appropriate method of field and interpretative works gave here satisfactory results like those obtained in several check bore holes.



