Wyniki badań geochemicznych generacji barytowych z Jedlinki


  • Halina Ważny


RESULTS OF GEOCHEMICAL RESEARCH OF BARYTE GENERATIONS AT JEDLINKASummaryThe purpose of the present work is to give a geochemical description of barytes, to distinguish the individual types of mineral paragenesis of barytes on the basis of geochemical evidences, and to yield new data necessary to explain their genesis.The material in study has been collected in a mineralized zone at Jedlinka. The geochemical nature of the minerals investigated is presented on the following chemical elements: Ca, Sr, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Pb, Ag, and Ni. Quantitative determinations of the individual elements have been made by means·of spectral emission analysis.The geochemical research of barytes from Jedlinka demonstrates that an interrelation occurs between the Ba, Sr and Ca concentrations. Due to their isostructural properties in relation to baryte both Sr and Ca elements are constituents of barite structure, and are related to the generations of this mineral. The changing contents of Sr and Ca in barytes, restricted by their concentration in hydrothermal solutions, may serve as criteria to determine the process of the differentiation of these solutions, Sr content successively decreases towards the youngest generation. The contents of the remaining chemical elements are different and, as a rule, do not reveal any interrelation as regards the age succession of the baryte generations. On the other hand, each of these generations discloses a considerable change in contents. This may demonstrate that the hydrothermal solutions of the entire baryte mineralization disclosed a differentiated concentrations of these chemical elements. The low concentration of metallic chemical elements in barytes of all the generations allow us to assume that both hydrothermal solutions and secondary circulating water were, in the vicinity of Jedlinka, very poor in the chemical elements considered.



