Postęp w kartografii i badaniach regionalnych w okresie ostatnich czterech lat działalności Komisji Mapy Geologicznej Świata


  • Leszek Koszarski
  • Roman Osika


PROGRESS IN CARTOGRAPHY AND IN REGIONAL RESEARCH DURING THE LAST 4 YEARS PERIOD OF ACTIVITY OF THE COMMISSION FOR GEOLOGICAL MAP OF THE WORLDSummaryThe purpose of this report is to inform Polish geologists of the world's progress in cartography and in regional research according to the results presented at the plenary session of the Commission for Geological Map of the World, held in Paris in March 1970. The present report includes also summaries of respective resolutions and gives a list of the articles handed during the session.Progress in cartography of Europe. the first part of the report comprises the state of development of the international maps of Europe, mainly metallogenic, iron ore, natural gas, tectonic, metamorphic and Quaternary maps on a scale 1:2 000 000, geologic and hydrogeologic maps on a scale 1:000 000, as well as a world's geological atlas on a scale 1:10 000 000 . .In addition to this, there are given some more important elements of the legend of these maps; and their influence upon the development of geological reconnaissance in Europe is discussed.Progress in regional geology of the world. The second part gives new results of regional research, discussed during the plenary session devoted to geologic maps.1. A. A. Thiadens (Netherlands) presented a map of the Zechstein salt plugs in the south-western part of the North Sea. These plugs run along several lines in a NS direction.2. H. R. V. Gaertner (GFR), discussing the diaphthoritic·alteration of the Central Alps, informed that after folding processes these zones had been strongly uplifted and then eroded, the amplitude of these movements amounting up to 15000 m.3. A. A. Bogdanov (UofSSR) informed that geophysical surveys had demonstrated that the basement of the West-Siberian platf.orm in the Karskoe Sea is at a depth of about 8000 m.4. A. E. Escher (Denmark - Greenland) emphasized that gneisses, wide-spread in the eastern area of Greenland, are thought to be of Caledonian origin and, according to the recent studies, are referred to pre-Cambrian (2000 mil. years).5. D. Fabre (France) explained that the age of the gneissose granite, found to occur in the north-eastern part of the Mauretania shield and in the platform basement of Algeria, had been determined to be about 1500 mil. years, that of some structural elements even more than 12000 mil. years.6. L Dubertret (France) stated that along the Red Sea shores (the areas of Arabia and Yemen) numerous faults appear proving an opinion on the continuous enlargement of this sea.7. Turkish geologists (W. Atuk, E. Demirtasli, A. Esen, A. Gumus, A. Kalafatcioglu) presented interesting data on the geology of Turkey. Among other they emphasized that a large dislocation (the area of northern Anatolia, from the Marmara Sea towards the SE shore of the Black Sea and then across the eastern area of Turkey as far as Zagros), to which the recent earthquakes are related, extends almost parallel to the margin of the Arabian “kratogen”, its activity being, most probably, affected by the displacement of this sub-continent.8. I. F. Deway (Great Britain) presented his opinion on the evolution of the marginal zones of continental socles. As a result of a displacement of the South America continent on the one side, and a displacement of the East Pacific basement on the other, some fragments of mountain massifs, absent at preset on the surface, may have been “soaked” in the lithosphere within the geosynclinal zones.This may explain highly considerable reductions that in the Iran and Turkey areas reach approximately 2000 km (Zagros and Taurus).9. B. C. Heezen (USA) presented a model of geologic map of a part of the Pacific Ocean, made on the basis of geophysiscal data and on 20 bore holes. The map illustrates that immediately on the oceanic basalt floor there occur zones of Jurassic, Cretaceous, Palaeocene, Eocene, Oligocene and Miocene deposits.The third part of this report comprises summaries of 17 resolutions passed during the final plenary session of the commission for Geological Map of the World.



