W sprawie mineralizacji arsenowej w okolicy Baligrodu


  • Maria Kita-Badak


ON ARSENIC MINERALIZATION IN THE VICINITY OF BALIGRÓDSummaryArsenic mineralization in the flysch deposits, discovered by M. Kamieński in 1937 was in the period 1954–1955 an object of intense field and laboratory examinations (B. Ostrowicki, 1958; A. Ślączka, 1958). The purpose of the field works conducted in 1956 was to determine both kind and intensity of mineralization by means of test pits. These yielded mare data on changes in mineralization and on its horizontal and vertical distribution which, only in the Lgota Beds, amounts to 60 m. The results of the field works, and an analysis of the palaeogeographical conditions of the Albian time, allowed the author to restrict the mineralization phenomena to two possibilities:1 – mineralization in the Lgota Beds during the period of their primary position, and mineralization in the Istebna Beds after their overfolding on the Lgota Beds;2 – simultaneous mineralization of the Lgota and Istebna Beds after their tectonic deformation.The former possibility may be evidenced by a fact that in the supposed region of the primary position of the Lgota Beds similar mineralization processes have been ascertained, the mineralization in the Istebna Beds being of lower value. The latter possibility is to be related to the subsurface volcanic activity and hydrothermal processes. It is also possible that the processes of arsenic mineralization have not so far been terminated and proceed at present. The mineralogical, geochemical, and hydrogeological examinations of deposits, as well as the intense reconnaissance works of the flysch formation in Poland and in the adjacent areas of the USSR and Czechoslovakia should help in explaining the so far unsolved problems of the mineralization considered. 



