O płytkim występowaniu dolnego liasu na wschód od Wapienna na Kujawach


  • Władysław Karaszewski


ON THE SHALLOW OCCURRENCE OF THE LOWER LIASSIC DEPOSITS EAST OF THE WAPIENNO, KUJAWY (CENTRAL POLAND)Summary1n the neighbourhood of the known outcrops of the Upper Jurassic deposits, vicinity of Inowrocław, both Middle and Lower Jurassic formations have been found to occur immediately under the earth’s surface. Among them, the Lower Liassic deposits, stratigraphically evidenced by megaspores, are worthy of being mentioned. Here are found: Nathorstisporites hopliticus J u n g, and Maexisporites planatus M a r c. One sample reveals the occurrence of both megaspores, thus proving Sinemurain age of the deposits considered. This is an equivalent of the lower part of the Ostrowiec series in the Liassic deposits of the Świętokrzyskie Mts. In addition to this a bor hole, situated in the neighbourhood, has pierced two lower series of Lower Liassic age, i.e. the ore-bearing series and the Skłoby series (W. Karaszewski, 1962). The occurrence of the Lower Liassic sandstones and caystones under a thin overburden of boulder clay at places only at a depth of about 4–5 m, suggest the presence of favorable conditions for exploitation of these mineral raw materials in this region, so far deprived of such useful deposits.



