Badania hydrogeologiczno-gazowe Lubelskiego Zagłębia Węglowego


  • Andrzej Różkowski


HYDROGEOLOGICAL-GASEOUS EXAMINATIONS IN THE LUBLIN COAL BASINSummaryThe Lublin Coal Basin is a western continuation of the Lvov – Volhynia Basin. In the southern part of the area in study the productive Carboniferous formations are covered with the limestone-marly deposits of Cretaceous age. In the central and northern parts of the basin, at the top of the depositional series, Jurassic limestones occur, situated stratigraphically below the Cretaceous formations. The thickness of the overburden strata ranges from 400 to 700 m.The hydrogeological-gaseous examinations are made in bore holes using both direct and indirect methods. Water-bearing properties of rocks and concentration of soluble salts we determined in laboratories. Both technology and construction of bore holes restrict, however, the range of the research of water-bearing and gaseous horizons, made by direct methods. As a result of this, particular attention has been paid to the indirect methods.The direct hydrogeological examinations are conducted during the completion of bore boles. Water bearing horizons are being opened by perforating calling pipes. Selection of perforation intervals is made on the basis of geophysical data and on macroscopic observations of drill cores. Water yield is determined by pumping.The direct gaseous examinations comprise: logging by means of drill-mud methane indicator, sampling by means of gastight GC-1 sampler, and of Johnston packer as well as sampling of coals using hermetic vessels to degasify coal in laboratory.The indirect examinations comprise a complex of geophysical methods. Geophysical measurements are made to determine main parameters of Carboniferous water-bearing end gaseous horizons. Laboratory examinations concern porosity, permeability and specific yield of sandstones, as well as preparation of water extracts of rocks.The results of these studies allowed the author to subdivide the Lublin Coal Basin into two fundamental regions, which distinguish themselves by different water and gas content. 



