W sprawie budowy geologicznej wschodnich zboczy Śnieżnika Kłodzkiego


  • Stanisław Przeniosło
  • Hubert Sylwestrzak


GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF THE EAST SLOPES OF THE ŚNIEŻNIK KŁODZKI MT. (SUDETES)SummaryIt has been ascertained during the mine works carried on in the area of the eastern slopes of the Śnieżnik Kłodzki Mt., within the Śnieżnik Mt. unit, which is one of the main tectonic elements of the Lądek and Śnieżnik Kłodzki metamorphicums, that the geological structure of this area is much more complicated than it might be supposed on the basis of surface investigations (Figs. 1 and 2).Within the occurrence area of gneisses, developed as the so-called transition gneisses from the Gierałtów to Śnieżnik Mt. gneisses, are found thin intercalations of mica-chlorite and biotite-epidote schists. During the tectonic activity the schist intercalations have been broken up as a result of the dieplacement of gneiss masses (Fig. 3). The main dislocation zone, cutting here the gneisses in a N-S direction (Fig. 4), is filled in with both conglomerate and sandstone formations (Figs. 15–10).The nature of the clastic material demonstrates that at least a part of the material has been reworked under surface conditions. Among fragmental grains fluorite occurs. The petrographic character of the conglomerates, particularly the composition of pebbles, demonstrate that these conglomerates differ from the Kletno conglomerates described previously from the area of the Lądek and Śnieżnik metamorphicums. Within the area of the gneisses there is a quartz zone that runs in a NNW-SSE direction, also disclosing fluorite mineralization. Here, fluorite lenses reach up to 2,5 m in thickness.



