Reliktowość wód Karpat i Przedgórza


  • Cyryl Kolago
  • Zenobiusz Płochniewski


RELICT NATURE OF WATERS IN THE CARPATHIAN AND FORE-CARPATHIAN AREASSummaryThe progress in the research of deep horizons of mineral waters is responsible for a fact that the notion “relict nature” of these waters in more and more relative. The processes determined as “water alterations” lead to various hydrochemical system and this is why the boundary between the waters from the previous geological epochs and waters which almost at present are mineralized due to the leaching of salt deposits, becomes obliterated. In this respect, the quantitative coefficients determining the proper origin of strongly mineralized waters are thought to be of conventional values, mainly due to a fact that no bases exist to make an assumption a priori as to any “survival” of quantitative proportions of certain components of sea water throughout a period of millions of years of alteration in water-rock environment. A spatial compensation in composition of mineral waters may be observed to appear at considerable depths, mainly due to vertical differentiation. As an example of such hydrochemical unification may serve here a picture of relict waters of two different tectonic units like the Carpathians and the adjacent area of the Fore-Carpathian region. A comparison of mineral waters has been made on two cross sections (Krynica ans Sanok sections, Fig. 1) on the basis of diagrams that illustrate the content of Cl- and J- ions, also HCO3- ions, against the background of the total mineralization (Figs. 3 and 4). For the Krynica cross section there is given a comparison of data in vertical plane (Fig. 2). The diagrams show that the deep-seated mineral waters in both regions are, as concerns their chemical nature, highly similar. 



