Nowe dane o florze górnego wizenu i namuru A z wierceń Maczki IG 1 i Wełnowiec IG 1


  • Teresa Migier


NEW DATA ON UPPER VISEAN AND NAMURIAN-A FLORA IN BORE HOLES MACZKI IG 1 AND WEŁNOWIEC IG SummaryBore boles Maczki IG 1 and Wełnowiec IG 1 have yielded much floristic material from the so far feebly examined members of the Upper Visean and Namurian-A within the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. Apart from scarce and badly preserved plant remains there found species fairly typical Carboniferous members, and some new ones found for the first time in the area of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. The Upper Visean has been floristically documented only in bore bole Maczki IG 1 where the following species occur: Asterocalamites  scrobiculatus, Calamites sp., Sphenopteridium sp., Archeopteridium tschermaki; fructification probably of the genus Sphenopteris, Rhodea sp., and Neuropteris ancedens. In both bore holes the Namurian-A has been determined on the basis of 8 genera and 22 species of plants (Tab. 1). The folowing are worthy of being mentioned here: Adiantites cf. tenuifolius, A. cf. oblongifolius, Sphenopteridium pachyrrachis, Sphenopteris gersdorfi, S.simplex, S. delmeri and Neuropterismultivenosa, for the first time found in the Upper Coal Basin.  



