Zagadnienie południowej granicy GZW w świetle najnowszych wierceń i prac geofizycznych


  • Konrad Konior


THE PROBLEM OF THE SOUTHERN BOUNDARY OF THE UPPER SILESIAN COAL BASIN IN THE LIGHT OF THE RECENT DRILLINGS AND GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATIONSSummaryRecently several deep bore holes have been made in the area of Bielsko-Rzeszotary, and a longitudinal seismic profile between the bore hole Andrychów 3 and Rzeszotary 2 has been executed. The results of drillings and the geological interpretation of the seismic profile force at present to make a correction and to complete the problem concerning the course of the southern boundary of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin, discussed in the publication from 1966 (K. Konior, 1966) and then in a publication from 1969 (K. Konior, 1969). The geological cross section drawn on the basis of the newest drilling activity and the interpreted seismic profile (Fig. 1) illustrate that the Palaeozoic basement of the southern margin of the Coal Basin is cut into several blocks. The throws of beds range from 100, and less, to more than 1000 metres. Most of the faults, as supposed previously (K. Konior, 1964), are old Hercynian faults, or even Bretonian ones (K. Konior, 1967) rejuvenated at the Tertiary time. In the light of the recent deep drillings and geophysical surveys, the southern boundary of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin may run as it is presented in the attached map (Fig. 2). The course of this boundary is simplified and does not show any tectonic disturbances which, to some extent, must have broken and, at places, even displaced this boundary.



