Mineralizacja fluorytowa na wschodnich zboczach Śnieżnika Kłodzkiego


  • Stanisław Przeniosło
  • Hubert Sylwestrzak


FLUORITE MINERALIZATION ON THE EASTERN SLOPES OF THE ŚNIEŻNIK KŁODZKI MT.SummaryFluorite has been found during geologic-mining works made on the eastern slopes of the Śnieżnik Kłodzki Mt. to occur in quartz rock in the from of a lens (Figs. 1–4). The quartz rock was formed due to the supply silica into the brecciated and mylonitized zone of gneisses (Fig. 5 and 6). The relicts of the gneissic structures are visible under the microscope, and even by nacked eye (Fig. 7 and 8). The processes of quartz-fluorite-calcite mineralization, most probably late Alpine in age, proceeded in two main phases. During the first phase a red rock of quartz, impregnating the quartz breccia was formed. During the second phase, a net of fine veins of white quartz, as well as some fluorite-and-calcite nets, veinlets and small lenses were produced (Figs. 9 and 10). The vertical extent of the mineralization is not known.The fluorite found to occur along the structural line Marcinków-Janowa Góra-Kletno proves the possibility of occurrence of deposits in the area of study.However, due to a lack of structures and of rocks that might be favorable for the formation of mineralized zones (e.g. crystalline limestones) only lens-like ore bodies of small diameter may be expected to occur mainly in tectonic zone here. 



