Kierunki rozwoju badań geologiczno-inżynierskich w świetle nowej techniki


  • Mieczysław Wąs


DIRECTIONS IN DEVELOPMENT OF ENGINEERING-GEOLOGICAL RESEARCH IN THE LIGHT OF NEW TECHNIQUESummaryThe notion “technical progress” is discussed, and the proper interpretation of this notion is presented. Importance of firm’s information (catalogues and folders) and of patent information in technical progress, and the role of information in the inspiration of progress are emphasized. Some causes of insufficient practical application of new methods, technology, instruments and raw materials in various engineering-geological enterprises of the country is considered, too. Discussed are also constructions and tendencies in constructing various drilling tripodal and quadrupedal instruments; movable, sliding, transportable and mobile drilling rigs; tube and helicoidal bits, drilling strings and connecting rods; special instruments for soil and water sampling; static, dynamic, geophysical, geoelectrical, and radiometrical penetrometers and probes; gauges for measuring depths and water levels in bare holes, various measuring instruments necessary for engineering-geological research in hydrotechnics, as well as selected laboratory instruments. Particular attention has been paid to the possibility of improvement, and then of subsequent mechanization of the calculation technique. Moreover, there are presented world's and country's tendencies in applying new methods, technology, and materials necessary in engineering-geological works.



