W sprawie górnokredowych flor Wyżyny Lubelskiej i Roztocza


  • Kazimierz Karczmarz
  • Jan Stanisław Popiel


ON THE UPPER CRETACEOUS FLORAS OF THE LUBLIN UPLAND AND ROZTOCZE AREASummaryThe Upper Cretaceous flora of the Lublin Upland (Upper Maastrichtian and Campanian) and of the Roztocze area (Lower Maastrichtian) strongly differ in their species composition (Table 1). The greatest abundance of species has been ascertained in the flora of the Lower Maastrichtian deposits in the Roztocze area, particularly in the section Karsnobród - Podzamcze, where angiosperms occur, mainly Dewalquea pentaphylla V e l e n., Magnolia amplipholia H e e r, M. polysperma Kar. and Myrtophyllum geinitzi Heer. Recently, a new species Platanus lublinensis Kar. et Pop. has been distinguished in the group of new-described species of this flora (K. Karczmarz, J. S. Popiel, l968; A. Malicki, K. Karczmarz, J. S. Popiel, 1969). The species composition of the flora of the whole profile Krasnobród - Podzamcze resembles that of the flora from Potyliczne, Southern Roztocze area (J. Nowak, 1907). The stratigraphical horizons of both profiles are developed similarly, too. The floras of the Upper Maastrichtian deposits found within the Vistula break area (Piotrawin, Kazimierz, Janowiec, Nasiłów) are poor in species, despite a fact that the frequency of the conifers is considerable. This proves a distinct stratigraphical feature of the Upper Maastrichtian flora from the Vistula river break. The resemblance of the flora representatives of the Lower and Upper Maastrichtian is distinctly visible in the occurrence of two species of conifers: Cunninghamia elegans Corda and Geinitzia cretacea Unger. The former has been distinguished also in the section at Piotrawin, rela1ed to the Campanian γ (R. Kongiel, l962). Both species frequently occur in the Upper Cretaceous horizons of Poland and of Central Europe (K. Karczmarz, J. S. Popiel, 1969; J. Velenovsky, 1885). Among the species described in the present paper, both Didymosorus comptoniifolius Debey et Ettingsh. and Platanus lublinensis K a r. et Pop. are new species in the Cretaceous flora at Poland.



