Zarys budowy geologicznej tzw. siodła gielniowskiego w obrębie wychodni liasu


  • Władysław Karaszewski


OUTLINE OF GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF THE SO-CALLED GIELNIÓW SADDLE WITHIN THE LIASSIC EXPOSURESummaryFollowing the recently published article on the new cartographical conception of the Lower Jurassic in the eastern margin of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains (W. Karaszewski, 1970), the present author discusses the northernmost area of outcrops of the Świętokrzyskie Mts. Liassic in the region of Przysucha. In the light of the new stratigraphical subdivision of the Świętokrzyskie Mts. Liassic (W. Karaszewski, 1960, 1962) the author tries to investigate the course, of the individual Liassic series on the map, based on the materials collected by the Geological Institute, published and archival, on the bore hole profiles and an his own field observations. The new cartographical picture of this area, strongly changed and enriched, as compared with the so far published and archival conceptions, is characterized by the presence of several large structural units, mainly synclinal in outline, and strongly displaced by faults. To the main features of this area belong at least three large longitudinal faults that run from south-east to north-west, and a considerable amount of smaller transversal ones.



