Wykorzystanie fal dyfrakcyjnych dla wyznaczania uskoków w rejonie Pomorza Zachodniego


  • Stefan Młynarski


USE OF DIFFRACTION WAVES IN DETERMINING FAULTS WITHIN THE WEST POMERANIA AREASummaryBased on the interpretation of seismic materials, the author presents the influence of dislocations upon tectonic structure of the West Pomerania area. The results obtained allow various dislocation zones of this area to be distinguished (Figs. 1-2).To obtain additional information that may help in distinguishing faults using seismic methods, the nature of diffraction waves caused by fault edges has been analysed, and diagrams have been made for the hodographs of the diffraction waves observed (Fig. 4). Using time sections (Table I-III), the occurrence of diffraction waves related to the fault has been shown, too. The elaboration aims at presenting a method that might allow us, on the basis of the results obtained during seismic works, to interpret all dislocation zones, objectively.



