Próbka gruntu z księżycowego Morza Żyzności


  • Krystyna Nawara


THE SAMPLE OF LUNAR SOIL FROM THE SEA OF FERTILITYSummaryOn 24th of September the Soviet Luna 16 returned to Earth a sample of lunar soil from the Sea of Fertility. The sample consisted of 100 g of fine material with fine fragments of lunar rocks. The types of rocks are the same as the types of Apollo lunar rocks from the Mare of Tranquillity and from the Ocean of Storms: type A – basalts, type B – gabbro, type C – breccias, and type D – lunar soil.Fragments of anorthosites are also present in the sample. Lunar soil from the Sea of Fertillity has a granular structure and a dark grey or brown colour. The sample consists of rocks and minerals fragments, glassy fragments and very fine material.The chemical composition of Luna 16 rocks is very similar to that of the Apollo 12 rocks and to some of the terrestrial basalts



