Wpływ sposobów pobierania oraz czasu warunków przechowywania próbek wody na wyniki analizy chemicznej


  • Wanda Bidzińska
  • Zenobiusz Płochniewski


THE EFFECT OF SAMPLING METHOD TIME AND CONDITIONS OF STORING OF WATER SAMPLES ON THE RESULTS OF CHEMICAL ANALYSISSummaryOn the basis of literature and the authors' own investigations factors are briefly discussed, that cause the results of chemical analyses of ground water to be not always comparable. In order to obtain comparable results methods of sampling and storing as well as chemical procedures should be always identical. During the transport and storing (usually about several tens of hours) the chemical composition of water might change considerably. Examinations carried out indicated that these changes might be reduced but not completely prevented by cooling. This is why certain components (mainly iron, manganese, nitrogen compounds, gases as well as oxidization) should be determined immediately  after the water sample has been taken or in specially sampled and preserved samples.The present paper emphasizes the need of detailed recommendations concerning standardized methods of sampling  and storing of water samples.



