Wiek bezwzględny granitoidów strzegomskich określony metodą K-Ar.


  • Tadeusz Depciuch


ABSOLUTE AGE OF THE STRZEGOM GRANITOIDS DETERMINED BY K-Ar METHODSummaryThe absolute ages of ten Strzegom granitoids were determined by K-Ar method on biotite. The determinations were carried out in duplicate. The results fall within a fairly narrow range of 262 to 276 million years. Within the massif the age values are haphazardly distributed and they do not indicate the existence of granitoids of different age. Probably the variations stem from many analytical reasons, causing a statistical dispersion of the values. The average value of all the results obtained is 268 million years. The results have been also interpreted by isochron method and the average age for the whole massif was found to be 266 million years.



