Uwagi o podziale tektonicznym Polski


  • Stanisław Bukowy


REMARKS ON TOE TECTONIC DIVISION OF POLANDSummaryThe suggested tectonic division of Poland is related to the known division by W. Pożaryski. It is however based on different criteria. Besides, divisions into higher and lower order units have been applied. As to the geological differences separate divisions for the orogen and epeirogen have been accepted considering the individual structural horizons or their complexes in this paper referred to as tektoms (tom - a part of entirety). The orogen comprises: 1 – root tektom, the so called crystalline roots of the mountains; 2 - Alpine told tektom, 3 - Alpine molasse tektom indirectly related to the orogen since it is developed mainly in the foreland. Within the epeirogen two types may be distinguished: A. kratogen, quasi-craton i.e. a cratonized orogen remodelled in the course of epeirogeny and covered by epicontinental formations (post-Variscan kratogen and Post-Caledonian kratogen). The kratogen may be divided into: 1 - crystalline tektom; 2 - fold-block tektom formed of Palaeozoic formations; 3 - molasse tektom, Palaeozoic formations; 4 - cover tektom formed of flat-lying Mesozoic and Cainozoic formations; B. Craton comprising: 1 - platform tektom built of deeply denuded metamorphic rocks of Precambrian age; 2 - sheet tektom built of flat-lying Palaeozoic rocks; 3 – cover tektom built of Mesozoic and Cainozoic rocks. On the ground of essential differences in the tectonic structure separate divisions have been established for the Alpine tektom and for its basement. The tectonic division of Poland has been based on the principle that the youngest but adequately large tectonic deformations enable a classification into first order units (geostructures) as e.g. the clearly pronounced ones: a. Carpathian orogen, b. Carpathian fore-deep, and aiso the slightly pronounced structures: c. Metacarpathian arch, d. Polish furrow (where older structures are very clearly expressed). The extent of the geostructures approximately follows the extent of the Tertiary formations. The successive division is based on the structures formed during the Laramian phase. In this case megastructures are distinguished marked by the extent of the Cretaceous formation (fig. 5). Within each of these megastructures regiostructures may be distinguished which control the specific features of the region. Within the regiostructures the following tectostructures may be distinguished: grabens, horsts, flexures etc. along with tectonites, plutonites, volcanites, ore bodies, travertinites and others. Discussing the structural division of the basement of the Alpine tektom the effects of Alpine, Variscan as well as other orogenies have to be considered. Thus the following units have been distinguished within the basement (fig. 6): A. Root tektom of the Alpine orogen (crystalline bastment). B. Post-Variscan kratogen within which individual branches of the Variscan orogen and massifs separating these branches can be distinguished. These structures may be divided into: 1 - crystalline tektom, 2 -fold-block tektom, 3 - molasse tektom. C. Post-Caledonian kratogen i.e. cratonized Caledonian structures not affected by regeneration. A division similar to that of the Post-Variscan kratogen can be introduced. D. East-European kratogen – East-European platform, where a division into syneclizes and anticlises may be applied along with a division into: 1 – platform tektom (deeply eroded metamorphic massif), 2 - sheet tektom (formed of flat-lying Palaeozoic formations), 3 - molasse tektom (in the neighbourhood of orogens). 



