Stratygrafia osadów refu na obszarze monokliny przedsudeckiej


  • Hanna Senkowiczowa


STRATIGRAPHY OF THE ROETHIAN DEPOSITS IN THE AREA OF THE FORE-SUDETIC MONOCLINEThe Roethian deposits occurring in the area of the Fore-Sudetic monocline (south-western Poland) are developed in the saline facies. The lowermost part of the Lower Roethian (Wschowa beds) is represented by clayey-arenaceous deposits. As far as their stratigraphical situation is concerned, they correspond to the Chirotherien-Sandsrtein of the German territory, which is referred to the Middle Buntsandstein. In the bore-hole Wschowa, located in the monocline area, these deposits contain a form Myophoria costata Zenk., a fact allowing to refer them to the Roethian. The Wschowa beds were not formed over the whole monocline area, fur the Middle Buntsandstein is overlain at Gorzów only by the gypsum beds I (see the Polish text, Fig. 1).



