Wodór w gazach ziemnych Niżu Polskiego w świetle ogólnych warunków występowania wolnego wodoru


  • Sranisław Depowski


HYDROGEN IN EARTH GASES OF THE POLISH LOWLAND IN THE LIGHT OF GENERAL CONDITIONS OF FREE HYDROGEN OCCURRENCEThe article deals with the hydrogen occurrence in natural gases. Free hydrogen has been stated to occur in gases of biochemical, metamorphic and juvenile, even radiochamical origin. Several examples are given as to the occurrence of hydrogen in hydrocarbon gases, coal deposit gases, salt deposit gases, as well as in gases of metal ore deposits and in volcanic and magmatic gases, too. In the light of more important occurrences of hydrogen in natural gases in the world, the author discusses natural gases revealing considerable contents of hydrogen, known to occur in various regions of Poland. Hydrocaron gases with great contents of hydrogen, amounting to more than 10% have been encountered in Eocambrian, or in Cambrian, Permian and Triassic formations occurring in the Polish Lowland area. In the gases of coal deposits of the southern part of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin the presence of hydrogen has been ascertained reaching up to 5% (Cieszyn region). Hydrogen has also been found in gases occurring in the Zechstein salt deposit within the Polish Lowland area.The analysis of the hydrogen origin in natural gases did not sufficiently explain this problem in spite of the fact that free hydrogen may undoubtedly be formed as a result of bacterial activity on organic material, due to certain chemical processes taking place in the nature, and may be of radiochemical, metamorphic or juvenile origin. The author stresses a necessity of conducting research works on the occurrence of free hydrogen in natural gases, particularly, however, in hydrocarbon gases.



