Jod i brom jako wskaźniki hydrochemiczne występowania węglowodorów w mezozoiku paleozoiku północnej Polski


  • Leszek Bojarski


RODINE AND CARBONS AS HYDROCHEMICAL INDICATORS OF HYDROCARBONS  IN THE MESOZOIC AND PALAEOZOIC DEPOSITS OF NORTH POLANDIncreased contents of biophile elements are very important factor in searches for crude oil. The present author assumes that brines containing more than 1 mg/l iodine and more than: 110 mg/l bromine characterize a contact zone with the hydrocarbon deposits. Considerable amounts of iodine and bromine have been ascertained in the northern areas of Poland, embracing Peribaltic syneclise, Mazury - Suwałki elevation, Pomeranian synclinorium and Pomeranian anticlinorium. In brines occurring in the Cretaceous deposits an increased content of iodine up to 2 mg/I and that of bromine up to 30 mg/l have been observed only within the·region of Świnoujście. The most perspective are deposits of Jurassic and Middle Buntsandstein age occurring in the Pomeranian synclinorium, where iodine content amounts from 8,7 to 27,5 mg/l. In the Buntsandstein brines encountered in the western part of the Pomeranian synclinorium bromine reaches even 2000 mg/l, thus being one of the greatest values in the world. In the Permian deposits increased contents of the biophile elements occur within the area of the Pomeranian anticlinorium, where crude oil seepages have been observed in drill core. Results are lacking as to the Palaeozoic deposits of the western areas of Poland, and bromium has been found to occur only within the Pomeranian, synclinorium in the Carboniferous brines, amounting to about 1800 mg/l. Promising Palaeozoic formations of Permian age occur in the Peribaltic syneclise, where favourable conditions exist for accumulation of hydrocarbon deposits.



