Warunki akumulacji węglowodorów w malmie synklinorium warszawskiego i północno-zachodniej części synklinorium lubelskiego


  • Jadwiga Królicka


CONDITIONS OF HYDROCARBON ACCUMULATION IN THE MALM DEPOSITS OF THE WARSAW SYNCLINORIUM AND OF THE NORTH-WESTERN PART OF THE LUBLIN SYNCLINORIUMThe possibilities of hydrocarbon accumulation in the Malm deposits are closely connected with the lithological-facial development of the sediments. The discussion in the present article is restricted to the Malm deposits occurring within the Warsaw synclinorium and the north-western part of the Lublin synclinorium, where the Malm is developed mainly in calcareous facies with subordinately developed marly-clayey-mudstone deposits. When analyzing the sections of the Upper Jurassic deposits pierced by the individual bore holes, the author based herself mainly on the results of electric logging examinations. On such a basis she has distinguished in the Upper Jurassic sections three different complexes revealing various logging character. The nature of both self-potential curves and resistances speaks for a possibility of regarding the lower complex (A)·and the upper complex (C) as series containing rocks that may be reservoir rock for oil and gas accumulation. The middle complex (B) may be thought to represent a sealing series. From the regional point of view the part of the Polish Lowland area here considered has been reckoned to be one of the most perspective region as to the possibility of searching for oil and gas deposits in the Malm formations. This results from both the lithologicaI-facial studies on the deposits and the hydrochemical indices, and also from direct oil and gas traces observed in the Malm formations occurring within the Polish Lowland area.



