Cechsztyn rowu Wlenia


  • Jerzy Milewicz


THE ZECHSTEIN OF THE WLEŃ GRABENThe Zechstein deposits occurring in the Wleń graben have so far been thought to be developed only as congIomerates and congIomerate sandstones with a pIaty dolomite intercalation, its extent being restricted to a narrow streak occurring in the area of the southern flank at the Golejów sector.The studies made by the present author have shown that the Zechstein deposits are of various lithological development and reveal some differentiation towards the NW-SE areas. Of particular importance are in the Wleń graben the Middle Zechstein limestones and the Upper Zechstein clays with large lenses of dolomites resting above the pIaty dolomite. These clays and dolomites are incrusted with malachite. It was also stated that the Zechstein deposits found in the Wleń graben are in the northern part about 60 m in thickness. Their thickness decreases towards the south.In the part devoted to the tectonics of the Wleń graben, the author supposes that at the time of the lower stage the sea shore line osciIated within the present boundaries of the graben. On the other hand, the Middle Zechstein limestones, platy dolomites and claystones, resting above, point to an increased extent of the sea and to a deeper water allowing for a calm accumulation at that time. At the decline of the Zechstein near-shore deposits were laid down again.



