Charakterystyka mineralogiczna piasków wydmowych Wyżyny Lubelskiej


  • Jan Morawski


MINERALOGICAL CHARACTERISTIC OF AEOLIAN SANDS OF THE LUBLIN UPLANDMineralogical analyses have been made of sand samples taken by the present author from 20 dunes occurring in the area of the Lublin Upland. The sands under examination are well-sorted and middle-sorted and contain two dominant fractions of deposits: 0,50-0,25 mm and 0,25-0,10 mm.In mineralogical composition of these sands the heavy fraction makes merely a fragment of one per cent, and is represented by one mineral association, the main components of which are garnet, zircon, staurolite, tourmaline, kyanite and opaque minerals, mainly various iron oxides. Among these minerals a visible pre-dominance of garnet over the remaining components may be observed. In addition to the minerals mentioned above also amphiboles, rutiIe and epidote have been found to occur in all the samples examined, however, in: small quantities only. Such minerals as pyroxene, apatite and biotite play a subordinate part, and are occasionally found in several dunes only. In one sample partly rounded goethite flake has been observed, as well.



