Morfometria żwirów z glin zwałowych Polski wschodniej


  • Roman Racinowski


MORPHOMETRY OF GRAVELS FROM BOULDER CLAYS OF EAST POLANDThe paper deals with a morphometric-visual characteristic of gravels taken out from the boulder clays of the South, Middle and North Polish Glaciations, occurring on the surface in the eastern areas of Poland. The. researches have been carried on the material of 1-5 cm fraction, separately on gravels of crystalline rocks, on quartzite sandstones and on Palaezoic limestones. By means of the proportions existing between the axe of the gravels the form has been determined (with reference to T. G. Payene’s division) and sphericity has been established (according to w. C. Krumbein's nomogram). Moreover, flattening coefficient has also been computed using Ch. Wentworth's formula. The character of mechanical working of the gravels has been analyzed by means of three parameters rounding coefficient (computed according to A. Cailleux formula), roundness coeficient, (determined according to W. C. Krumbein's scale) and gravel contour (determined after Dal Vesco's standard). Since the results obtained have demonstrated a fairly great scatter of the individual morphometric coefficients within a relatively short distance of the way covered by the continental glacier, mean values have been used for the samples taken in 50 km zones of the terrain (the value 0 km has been accepted for the northern boundary of the country in the area under study). Such conception has removed local deviations of morphometric coefficients and allowed to explain the tendency to change the shape of the gravels with the increase of distance of glacial transportation.



