Rola żył kwarcowych w procesie kaolinizacji granitów z masywu Strzegom – Sobótka


  • Mieczysław Budikiewicz
  • Wiesław Hefllik
  • Anna Stenzel-Kolasa


ROLE OF QUARTZ VEINS IN KAOLINIZATION PROCESS OF GRANITES OF THE STRZEGOM-SOBÓTKA MASSIFSummaryThree kinds of quartz veins have been ascertained as a result of a detailed mineralogic-petrograpical research made on the kaolin deposits or in their vicinity within the Strzgom-Sobótka granite massif. These are: quartz veins and zones of quartz occurrence of hydrothermal origin (Sady, Krasków, a.o.); quartz-feldspar-mica veins of pegmatite character (Żarów); monomineral quartz veins that make filling products of fissures in the form of silica produced due to the process of weathering or kaolinitization of rocks (Gębice). The formation of the kaolins in the area under consideration was affected by a series of factors, among which the following are most important: morphology fissuring of rocks, climate conditions and presence of brown coal formation.Generally, it may be said that the kaolin deposits of the Strzegom-Sobótka granite massif were produced where suitable conditions existed for the hydrolyitic decomposition of a aluminosilicate rocks and for chemical environment necessary in the process of kaolinization. If so, the quartz veins could not have played any important role during the formation of the kaolin deposits. On the other and, the presence of qualrtz veins or quartz-feldspar veins favorable to the migration of various mineral solutions.The discontinuity planes between the vein and enclosing rock enabled the activity of hypergene factors, thus contributing to the development and intensity of the kaolinization processes  



