Nowe poglądy w petrografii węgla


  • Kazimiera Hamberger


NEW OPINIONS IN COAL PETROGRAPHYSummaryThe purpose of this article is to present new opinions in coal petrography, discussed during the XXII ICCP Session held in Varna (1969) and during the XXIII Session held in Liege (1970). Attention is also paid to the results of the research on sapropelites, in Poland, since these formations were not taken into account in the works presented by the by the ICCO Commission. Using the chemical determination of the character of humus and sapropel coals (visocosity index), applied in Poland, the author substantiates the separation of the group of saprohumolitis. Taking into account the results of research, discussed during the ICCP Session and those of the research carried in Poland on saprolites, the author proposes a new classification of hard coals, based on their genesis, as well as their macroscopic and microscopic structures and chemical character. Three groups of coal formations, i.e. humoliths, saoprohumolithes and saprolites are characteristic of this classification.



