Znaleziska Clypeina jurassica F a v r e w zachodniej części polskich Karpat fliszowych


  • Wiesław Nowak


CLYPEINA JURASSICA FAVRE IN THE WESTERN PART OF THE POLISH FLYSCH CARPATHIANSSummaryThe author describes Clypeina jurassica F a v r e (Dasycladaceae) found to occur in the Upper Tithonian (Jaworze) and Berriasian–?Valanginian (Wapienica III) limestone flysch of the western part of the Polish Flysh Carpathians.At both sections the representatives of C. jurassica have been found in fragments of biospartites, beside the biospartites with Saccocama and biopelmicrites with Tintinnida, which are redeposited and occur now in the intrasparites that belong to the Cieszyn Limestones of the Silesian unit (Cieszyn succession). The finds of these representatives point to the existence, within the outer part of the Capathian flysch geosyncline (probably in the Kimmeridgian – Lower Tithonian), of a shallo-water facies of algal limestones, so far unknown in the area of the Polish Carpathians. This facies, related to the intrageanticlinal zone of the Silesian klippes, took, at the Upper Jurassic time, an intermediate position between the pelagic facies of ammonite and calpionella limestones of the Bachowice zone to the north, and the flysch zone Lower Shalles and Cieszyn Limestones) to the south. Most probably, the formation of this zone may be related to the Silesian klippes developed as an independent zone·due to the differentiating processes of the Young Cimmerian orogeny (Late Deysterian phase). At the Upper Tithonian and the Berriasian (Valanginian?) times this zone was one of the main sources supplying calcareous detrital materials to the Cieszyn sedimentary basin.The conditions necessary for the development of the limestone facies with C. jurassica prove, in the light of the previously known Upper Jurassic facies, the suggested differentiated configuration of the external part of the Carpathian geosynclines at that time, and convey an idea of the distribution of relative depths in the water basins, representing also materials for palaeogeographical and palaeoclimatological discussions.



