Wstępne wyniki badań geologicznych miocenu przedkarpackiego nad Dunajcem


  • Jadwiga Urbaniak


PRELIMINARY RESULTS OF GEOLOGICAL RESEARCH OF THE FORE-CARPATIAN MIOCENE ON DUNAJECSummaryOn the basis of the examination of macrofauna assemblages and on the geological analysis of the area in study (Figs. 1 and 2), the general outline is presented of the stratigraphy, development of deposits, palaeageographic relations and tectonic conditions of the Miocene clay-sand sediments found to occur in the Szczepanowice-Zgłoba area (the eastern, part of the Dunajec dislocation).The macrofauna representatives found at Błonie 1 (IV), Błonie 2 (V), Zgłobice “Urwisko” (I) and Szczepanowice 311 a.s.l. (IV) – belonging to various ecological niches of the same sea – point to the Upper Tortonian age. Moreover, along with the elements of the Lower Tortonian, faunas and rocks the redeposited Carpathian rocks – they characterize various facies of the Grabowice Beds in the Upper Tortonian.The author refers them to the near-shore zones, i.e.: 1 – to the base-levelled Carpathian continent (Zagłobice facies – “basin S”); 2 –to the islands (Zgłobice facies s.s – “basin S”); 3 – to the emerging Carpathian shore (Szczepanowice facies – “basin S + N”), Fig. 2.In the stratigraphical section of the near-surface zone of the Miocene formations found on the Dunajec river, these deposits have been distinguished as the Upper Series (the younger sedimentary cycle). They are in an angular unconformity with the unfossiliferous deposits of the Lower Series (the older sedimentary cycle), which disclose small crystals and granules of epigenetic gypsum (Fig. 3).At Zgłobice, south of the bridge, a break in the stratigraphic-facial succession of deposits, a contact of the older deposits of Miocene age with the younger ones, and an overthrust in the form of a slice (Zgłobice overthrust – Fig.4) have been observed.The geological cross section S–N (Fig. 5) shows the older tectonic element (reversed series of beds) and the younger tectonic element (slice) thought to be a portion of the younger Miocene unit here (slices I, II, III, and IV).



