Zastosowanie tachymetru samoredukującego BRT-006, sprzężonego ze stolikiem biegunowym Karti-250 przy opracowaniach kartograficzno-geologicznych wielkoskalowych


  • Jadwiga Danilewska


APPLICATION OF SELF-REDUCING TACHEOMETER BRT-006 COUPLED WITH A POLE TABLE KARTI-250 IN LARGE-SCALE CARTOGRAPHIC GEOLOGICAL SURVEYSSummaryThe article presents a new method of geological and simultaneously of topographical mapping. This method consists in the mapping based on stabilized and instrumentally demonstrated aiming points. The instrumental mapping of these points is made using a pole table Karti-250, coupled with a self-reducing coincidence tacheometer BRT-006. This elaboration has been treated as an experimental one, and has been realized by means of a new method proposed by K. Guzik.Here is presented only a part of the cartographic-geological elaborations made within the area of the dam planned at Czorsztyn-Niedzica. The new method allows us to make cartographical topographic and geologic field survey, to perform quickly and accurately the mapping of the relief by means of “direct leveling” method, to reduce measuring process only to the operation with the telescope of the measuring instrument (BRT-006) and the pole table (Karti-250) toward the aiming point, as well as to measure the distance, and to mark the position of the point measured on the “cartographical” disk (astralon).The succession of works during the application of this new method is as follows:a – indication of aiming points of the same altitude using clisimeter, b – measurement and instrumental mapping of the points shown by signals, c – topographic and geological mapping.Necessary equipment: tacheometer BRT-006 coupled with the pole table Karti-250, clisimeter, two 2 m levelling rods, measuring tape, signals for stabilizingaiming points, plumbe-line and appropriate amount of “cartographic” disks of astralon.



