Stratygrafia młodszego trzeciorzędu w wierceniu Dzwola na Roztoczu w świetle badań mikropaleontologicznych


  • Ewa Odrzywolska-Bieńkowa


MICROPALAEONTOLOGICAL STRATIGRAPHY OF THE YOUNGER TERTIARY IN BORE HOLE DZWOLA, ROZTOCZE AREASummaryThe paper presents the results of micropalaeontological research of Badenian and Sarmatian formations encountered in bore hole Dzwola, situated in the Roztocze region (SE Poland).The examinations demonstrate that some differences exist between the age determination of the Badenian formations, based on macrofaunistic evidences, and the age determined on the microfauna encountered in samples. There is accordance in determination of the Sarmatian age on the basis of both macrofaunistic and microfaunistic evidences. The section of the Badenian deposits is represented by Lithothamnium marls and limestones characterized by a differentiated degree of sand content and compactness. Microfauna, mainly of benthonic nature, reveals the predominance of foraminifers of the genera Elphidium and Cibicidoides, though the assemblages disclose a lot of species and are represented by numerous individuals.The whole Badenian section does not disclose any convincing proofs of the occurrence of the Lower Badenian deposits. On the other hand, in the samples, which included the determined macrofauna proving the Lower Badenian age, are found foraminifers with Hanzawaia crassiseptata (Ł u c z k.), no doubt of Upper Badenian age, which never occur in the Lithothamnium limestones of the Lower Badenian (Lanzendorf). In the Sarmatian, developed in shale-marly facies, are found type guide species (horizon with Elphidium hauerinum d'O r b.), known from the Sarmatian deposits of various regions of Poland.



