O budowie geologicznej Ublinka


  • Irena Olkowicz-Paprocka


ON THE GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE IN THE VICINITY OF UBLINEK (EASTERN PART OF THE ŚWIĘTOKRZYSKIE MOUNTAINS)SummaryThe article deals with the results obtained during drilling works carried on by the present author in the years 1968-1970 within the eastern part of the central synclinorium (Fig. 1), in the vicinity of Ublinek and Grocholice. In addition to the positive results of depositional-raw material character, consisting in the determination of the actual reserves of the Devonian dolomites (approximately 90 mill. Tons – deposit Ublinek) and in the documentation in Cat. C2 (approximately 38 mill tons – deposit Grocholice), these works yielded also data that considerably increased the knowledge of the geological structure of the area discussed. The drilling activity demonstrates that a tectonic element, built up of terrigenous rocks, occurs in the central synclinorium. So far unknown in this area, this element has been called Ublinek anticline.The materials collected were a basis to work out a geologic, uncovered map of the Ublinek region, presented in Fig. 2.



