Metale ciężkie w glebach Gór Świętokrzyskich


  • Andrzej Jaworski


HEAVY METALS IN SOILS OF THE ŚWIĘTOKRZYSKIE MTS.SummaryThe article presents the results of research of heavy metal content in soils within the Świętokrzyskie Mountains area. Mean concentrations of individual chemical elements are calculated (Table 1), and statistical interpretation of the results of these calculations is given. Correlations of the following couples of chemical elements have been detected: Ni-Co, Ni-Cr, Co-Cr, Zn-Pb, and with some probability also Ba-Cu. The nickel-lead correlation in the hypergenesis zone has for the first time been ascertained here (Table 3); this, however, is to be proved by the results of additional examinations. The analysis of the concentration of heavy metals in soils of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains allowed the author to select, for geochemical prospecting works, in addition to the so far used association of index chemical elements (Zn, Pb and Cu), also those of iron group, i.e. Ni, Co and Cr. It has been demonstrated that all the examined chemical elements, found to occur in the soils of the region considered, are characterized by the normal type of distribution (Figs. 7–11) representative of the geochemical environments in the hypergenesis zone. The above results of interpretation prove the previous results obtained by the present author during examination of the content of trace elements in the soils found to occur above the ultrabasic and basic rocks of South Poland (A. Jaworski, 1970a)



